REGISTRATION FOR TEXASOFT GAMES By becoming a registered user, you not only help promote Shareware, you will also receive a disk of the latest copy of the game or games your order. SPELL GAMES ($19) $____________ MATH GAMES ($19) $____________ TYPE GAMES ($19) $____________ ALL THREE GAMES - SPELL, MATH & TYPE ($29) $____________ SUB TOTAL $____________ Texas Residents add 7.25% sales tax $____________ ALL ORDERS:Add $2.00 Postage and Handling or PO, COD, Rush: add $4, Overseas add $5.00 $____________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $ ============ Payment method:check one ___ Check or M.O. ___ Credit Card (MC, VISA or Am. Exp.) ------------------------------------------------------------ IF CREDIT CARD: Name on Card:_____________________________________________ Type Card is __________________ Exp Date is:_____________ Card Number is:___________________________________________ Authorized Signature:_____________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------- Mail order to:____________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ City:___________________ St_______ ZIP ___________________ Phone ( )______________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------- Where did you get this program?_____________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------- Please mail to:TexaSoft, Post Office Box 1169, Cedar Hill, Texas 75104. Thanks. Phone orders call 214-291-2115. Fax: 214-291-3400. Compuserve:70721,3145. MAIL TODAY! THANKS!